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 Meeting Recap: 8/7/12

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randi philleo
randi philleo

Posts : 904

Meeting Recap: 8/7/12 Empty
PostSubject: Meeting Recap: 8/7/12   Meeting Recap: 8/7/12 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 10:03 am

Location: Jayme's
Time: 7-9:00
Attendees: Jayme, Chuck, Ivan, Mike P, Randi, Adam, Mike T, Tyler S, Todd

Many homebrews were tasted and discussed. Jayme had pale ale, Chuck had previous IPA and oatmeal stout, Ivan Lemon Lime Hefeweizen, smores brown, Mike/Randi had apricot APA, Adam had vanilla porter and Hopscare IPA Midwest kit, Mike T had brown, and Tyler had Barleywine and partigyle mild. There we also a few commercials shared, Chuck opened a Ninkasi Total Domination IPA and Ivan brought a Lips of Faith series Bretta Beer.


Happy Anniversary to the Club
This first Tuesday of August marks the 4 year anniversary of the club. We are so grateful for what it has come to mean to us.

Ale-ection Results
President: Mike Philleo
Vice President: Jayme Glaser
Secretary/Treasurer: Randi Philleo
Cyber Relations: Eric Delzer
Premium Membership Director: Todd Ussatis

Thank you to everyone who ran, we greatly appreciate all the work you put into the club.

Hopluck 2012
Hopluck will be held Saturday, August 25th, 5pm, at McDowell Dam (just 5 miles east of Bismarck on Highway 10) at Shelter #2. For those unfamiliar with the Masher Hopluck, it is a potluck where members bring their hop or beer infused foods to share. It's a family event, McDowell Dam has playgrounds, boat docks, and boat rentals. Unhopped dogs, juice, and snacks will be provided for the kiddos.

Oktoberfest 2012
The Oktoberfest beer entry form is up on the website. We will have more information in the next few weeks. For now, start thinking about your brews to enter. We will hand out tickets to sell at our September meeting.

Commercial Brewery at Oktoberfest
Mike Frohlich would like to bring beers under the name of his upcoming brewery to our Oktoberfest. The general thoughts from members was that this would be fine. We discussed the option of inviting other local breweries, but thought that this option should be limited to Masher members, which Mike F is.

Learn to Brew Day
Learn to Homebrew Day is Saturday November 3rd, the weekend before Deer season. We need to decide whether we want to host a learn to homebrew location. If we do host a location, we will be sure to promote the event at Oktoberfest.If we want to do this, we'll need a location.

Being the weather can be iffy in November, Mike P suggested renting the Sertoma community center for the morning half of the day for this event. With this facility, we can have multiple brewers and systems.

Mike T asked about the possibility of changing meeting days. According to the poll in the Ale-ection ballot, Tuesday is still the most favored meeting day. We briefly discussed the idea of having alternating Monday's and Tuesday's, but opinions were divided on that option.

Ivan let us know that we are out of club cards at Wheels Wings-N-Hobbies.

Ivan took home the paddle for his Lemon-Lime Hefe. Nominees were Chuck's Stout, Tyler's Barley wine, and Adam's Vanilla Porter.

This traveling trophy will be awarded monthly for the winner to take home and proudly display. At the end of each meeting we will look for nominations on outstanding homebrew of the night. This beer can be a new brew or a reworked recipe. Once a beer has taken home the paddle, it will no longer be eligible to win. When nominating a brew, look at flavor, style, and originality. A majority vote will declare the winner. If you win the paddle, make sure that you can have it back to an officer at the next meeting.

Tea Series
Tea's were canceled due to a broken spring in our french press.

Meeting Recap: 8/7/12 Meetin10

If I forgot anyone or any beers, feel free to post it. Sometimes as the beer flows, the notes get sloppier and I get more forgetful. Cheers!
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